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Guests at SB Winemaker’s House & Spa Suites can now experience the tradition of mate with the launch of the hotel’s new Mate Sessions. Mate is a traditional South American beverage made from the leaves of the yerba mate plant, known for its energizing properties. Beyond its invigorating effects, mate holds cultural significance as it is often enjoyed in a communal setting, symbolizing friendship and hospitality. Sharing mate from a hollow gourd and metal straw is a cherished social ritual in Argentina, fostering connection and conversation among family and friends. The Mate Sessions are designed to share this rich and vibrant aspect of Argentine food and culture with international guests, providing a unique opportunity to delve into the traditions and customs of the region.

The sessions offer a comprehensive and immersive experience, allowing guests to explore the history and significance behind this iconic Argentine beverage. Expert mate drinkers will guide participants through the meticulous process of preparing mate, from selecting the perfect yerba mate to mastering the traditional brewing techniques. Guests will also learn about the various types of yerba mate, each with its own unique flavor profile and cultural relevance. The workshop delves into the ceremonial aspects of mate drinking, highlighting its role as a social and communal activity deeply embedded in Argentine heritage. During the workshop, guests will have the chance to sample a selection of mates prepared by the hotel team, paired with an assortment of delicious local bites that complement the distinct flavors of the beverage.

“At the hotel, we pride ourselves on offering not only luxury and comfort but also distinct experiences that allow our guests to explore and enjoy the authentic local culture,” said SB Winemaker’s House & Spa Suites founder Ana Lovaglio Balbo. “The Mate Workshop is a unique opportunity for our international visitors to immerse themselves in the Argentine mate tradition, experiencing its flavor and significance in an unparalleled setting.”

The Mate Sessions are complimentary for guests staying at SB Winemaker’s House & Spa Suites. SB Winemaker’s House & Spa Suites rates start at USD $839 from May to September, rising to USD $1,049 from October to April during the high season. For more information about SB Winemaker’s House & Spa Suites, visit